Peer Lesson 3: 2D Art Patterns

Description: In this lesson, we used tinfoil to transfer an ombré/tie dye color to the background of our draw pattern. We first drew a series of random shapes, squiggles, and lines on our papers using pencil. Then, we drew over those with a sharpie and then created a second pattern drawing on another paper. When we finished our drawings, we took tinfoil and coloring on it completely with sharpies, making sure that we colored enough to cover the size of our drawings. When we finished coloring the tinfoil, we took a spray bottle of water and sprayed the tinfoil, then placed our drawings face down onto the wet sharpie. When we made sure to press our paper down completely on the tinfoil, we took it off, let it dry, and then glued it onto a large piece of construction paper. 

Extension Activity: I would do this activity the same and continue it along with a science unit learned about different types of cells and have students do this but the drawings be a diagram of a cell. 


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